Reference files for QIIME 2 ====== QIIME 2 is a comprehensive microbiome bioinformatics platform. - Website: - Citation: Bolyen E, Rideout JR, Dillon MR, Bokulich NA, Abnet CC, Al-Ghalith GA, Alexander H, Alm EJ, Arumugam M, Asnicar F, Bai Y. Reproducible, interactive, scalable and extensible microbiome data science using QIIME 2. Nature biotechnology. 2019 Aug;37(8):852-7. Built using QIIME 2 v2022.8. Phylogeny: Use phylogeny/tree.nwk. Command: ``` qiime tools import --type Phylogeny[Rooted] \ --input-path tree.nwk --output-path phylogeny.qza ``` Taxonomy: Use taxonomy/lineages.txt, but add 'Feature ID' and 'Taxon' as the header. Command: ``` qiime tools import --type FeatureData[Taxonomy] \ --input-path lineages.txt --output-path taxonomy.qza ``` Example usage: Generate an OGU table from sequence alignments (requires q2-woltka): - Website: ``` qiime woltka classify \ --i-alignment align_sam.qza \ --p-target-rank none \ --o-classified-table ogu_table.qza ``` Generate interactive bar plots at individual taxonomic levels: ``` qiime taxa barplot \ --i-table ogu_table.qza \ --i-taxonomy taxonomy.qza \ --m-metadata-file metadata.tsv \ --o-visualization taxa_plot.qzv ``` Perform community diversity analyses using phylogeny-aware and -free metrics: ``` qiime diversity core-metrics-phylogenetic \ --i-table ogu_table.qza \ --i-phylogeny phylogeny.qza \ --p-sampling-depth 10000 \ --m-metadata-file metadata.tsv \ --output-dir . ```