Reference genome database for Kraken 2 ====== Kraken 2 is a k-mer-based taxonomic classifier for metagenomic data. - Website: - Citation: Wood DE, Lu J, Langmead B. Improved metagenomic analysis with Kraken 2. Genome biology. 2019. 20(1):257. Built using Kraken 2 v2.1.2. Command: ``` kraken2-build --threads # --build --db . ``` The default taxonomy is built-in. See: ../../taxonomy/. Typical classification commands: Single FASTA file, mapping only: ``` kraken2 --threads # --db . input.fa > output.tsv ``` Paired-end FASTQ files, mapping and report (taxonomic profile): ``` kraken2 --threads # --db . --paired input.R1.fq input.R2.fq \ --report report.txt --output output.tsv ``` This analysis requires at least 75 GB memory.