Gene Ontology (GO) ====== The GO terms are derived from the mapping of UniRef entries to GO terms, provided in the original UniRef release. The latest official release of GO that contains all relevant terms (and not obsolete) is 2019-06-09, available at: - The mappings and names hosted in this directory are a relevant subset of this release. ## Domains The GO terms are divided into three domains: - function: molecular function - process: biological process - component: cellular component In addition, there is: - all: all three domains combined ## Generic The GO terms can be grouped into a refined set of GO terms, namely GO subsets, or GO slims. See official documentation: - The mappings of GO terms to the "generic" subset (i.e., not species-specific) are provided in the "generic/" subdirectory. Be aware that generic terms may be nested (i.e., one term may be a child of another). See below for explanation. ## Parents The hierarchical relations among GO terms constitute graphs, instead of trees. In this structure, one child term can be mapped to one or more parent terms. This structure is a directed acyclic graph (DAG). There are no fixed "ranks" in the graph. The three domains (see above) are the top-level "roots" of the graphs. See official documentation: - The "parents/" subdirectory provides mappings from GO terms to their parents. ## Names The file "name.txt" is a mapping of all relevant GO terms (original, parents, subsets) to their names.